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The Shout is Back!


Updated: Oct 30, 2024

By Farrah Rigaud, features editor, and Jeanette Uribe, artistic director

Ever since the dawn of time, since Gaia and Uranus emerged from the crevices of Chaos, it has been fabled that Titans have always resided silently among us. From the printing press to the prolific personal computer, their voices call to be unleashed. Past the mystical scent of coffee lies the small room 253, filled with our modern-day Olympian outfit of writers and caffeine-biters – a place where Homeric hymns are sewn from administrative transparency and campus news.

Yes, after a considerable hiatus, The Titan Shout is back online. Want to join us, or at least help us on our quest to bring GTCC students impactful news, features, editorials, art, and reviews? Contact our faculty advisor, Michelle Hines (, to become part of our team or to submit your work for consideration.

Here's who we are...



Phillip “Joe” Berry

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln
Our Chief Editor. A nitty, gritty man with a pen in his hand, clad in winged sandals and a tunic from the Gap.

In His Own Words

I eventually want to be a zoologist because I like animals more than people, and I want to play with big cats. I’d love to take my daughter behind the scenes of the zoo as well.

Why Titan Shout?

Give a (Titan) shout to our club advisor, Ms. Hines, for my inclusion! She needed some people, and I was like, "Yeah, I’ll do it!" A cool aspect of the club is getting to say that I’m a member of the club, and the teachers are pretty cool, too. I’m still waiting on my lanyards!”

Fun Fact

I am old. I’m almost 40 years old.


Huy "Seiko" Nguyen

"No news is good news." – King James I of England
Always charming, Huy brings his photographic skills, his upbeat personality, and his unique perspective to our titanic team.

In His Own Words

I'd rather be silent than speak nonsense.

Why Titan Shout?

Rather than convey my thoughts through conversation, I prefer to speak though my hobby, photography. I hope to share my photos through the Shout.

Fun Fact

I am also a professional gymnast.


Alyssa “Al” Parker

“Cogito, ergo sum." ["I think, therefore am."] – René Descartes
Our OP-ED editor, graphic designer, and astronomy columnist. As if it was written in the stars, she has quite the Apollonian nifty for visual narratives and writing.

In Her Own Words

I can't define myself without mentioning astronomy and education; they are who I am. The same can be said for writing and literature. I remember the first time I thought about the stars. I was five, it was Summer or Spring of 2007, and I was in my great uncle's front yard with the big oak tree. I remember looking up. It was in the blue hour of the sky just before sunset. There aren't words tied to this memory, nor are there thoughts, just a "knowing." I had found the stars, and it felt comfortable and natural. I also remember the first time I decided I wanted to teach. I was in third or fourth grade, heading home on the bus. It was sunny, and the sky was clear; the memory is hazed in gold. A kid in a younger year sat next to me. I don't remember how we began talking, but I remember her picture book. She asked me to help her read it, and I did.

Why Titan Shout?

What really drew me in was my want to share a random voice in hopes that I could use it to spark something good and kind. I enjoy writing, and I think I have good skills for it when I focus. I want to try and influence goodness with any advantage I have. I like being a part of the club and coming to the meetings. I only joined very recently, but I think everyone is lovely and interesting in their own realm. I can't help but make observations about people; it comes with my astronomy and psychology interest. There's a warm sense of community you find in places like these.

Fun Fact

I tackled a youth pastor. It was for a bet, and I wanted a hat. I got the hat. I still have the hat. I also have the video of me tackling the youth pastor for further proof. The youth pastor is perfectly fine and is actually Tiffany Thornton's father-in-law.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Farrah "Like the Fawcett" Rigaud

"I'll have it done by today, I promise" –Me.
As one of our team's vigilant feature writers, Farrah bears her trusty thesaurus in the conflicting iliad of unnecessary adjectives and over exposition. With the resolve of ten mighty hoplites (who are all coincidentally into Percy Jackson), she soldiers on into the writing battle of Good and Feasible.

In Her Own Words

I'm currently a freshman at GTCC, studying for an Associate in Arts degree. I'd love to pursue a career in Psychology in the future, as it's such an impactful field of study. I believe that if I am going to do anything good in my life, I want it to be with people I am able to help.

Why Titan Shout?

I have been a feature writer since high school, and it's something that I won't leave behind! I love connecting with people and bringing their stories to the light. The team we've garnered is a massive plus as well! I enjoy them to bits!

Fun Fact

I have a neurotic itch for motorcycles, which is definitely an inherited gene from Gene (my dad). Ever since the day I turned 10, I was on the back of his bike, oversized helmet and all, and now I'm on my own, trying not to get backed into by distracted delivery trucks. Fun times! Looking like a 200-pound middle-aged man when clad in leathers is an experience I would recommend to all young women everywhere!


Stevie "The Truth Seeker" Stone

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein
Stevie is as inquisitive as they come. He is Titan Shout’s electric patron and supporter, gracing us with a lightning that could put Zeus to shame. Mortal? Perhaps not.

In His Own Words

I enjoy working with other bright minds, and I am here to learn and add my two cents. I am studying Autobody Collision Repair. In the future, my cars will be collectors' items. I would love to build my own garage to fix my own cars, and maybe yours, too, one day!

Why Titan Shout?

I like to know what's going on GTCC's campuses. Being part of the Shout puts me in the know. I also like to analyze and investigate my news. Above all, I am curious.

Fun Fact

My favorite hobbies are racing, outdoor ATV riding, and whatever nature has to offer.


Jeanette Uribe

"A cartoonist is someone who has to draw the same thing day after day without repeating himself." –Charles M. Schulz
Jeanette is our unassuming artistic director and cartoonist. She makes us look good as she brings her warm personality, her creative talent, and her unique style to her renderings.

In Her Own Words

I am a nursing student hopeful. Currently I am a pet sitter/walker and I hope to be a hospice nurse. I love being artsy in my free time. I especially like taking pottery classes and crocheting tiny hats for my cat.

Why Titan Shout?

When coming back to school after a break, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and get involved within school. I decided to put my rusty art skills to the test and join Titan Shout as the cartoonist. I enjoy listening to all the wonderful ideas and directions the club members want to take it in.

Fun Fact

I’ve never traveled north of Virginia. One of my bucket list bullet points is to travel to all 50 states.



Michelle Hines

"Though she be but little she is fierce." – Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Our club advisor. Like Athena, she carries much wisdom and leadership when guiding our team to a weekly victory (minus the spears, of course).

In Her Own Words

I teach English at GTCC. My other goal is to write a book, either fiction or nonfiction. I learned a great deal about writing during my years as a journalist, and I believe that experience has made my writing more concise, clearer, and more engaging. I look forward to passing these skills on to students. I hope to encourage a younger generation of writers and get the occasional opportunity to be creative.

Fun Fact

I am addicted to British mysteries, both novels and TV shows.


Edwin Powell

“I've never had a nickname.”
Our club's co-advisor. Mr. Powell is our lucky light in the labyrinth of journalism. Well-skilled in the field, he monitors and mentors our upcoming scribes for the better.

In His Own Words

I'm an Associate Professor in the Humanities and English departments, presently only teaching Humanities courses. I've served as a co-advisor of Titan Shout for the past couple of years.

Why Titan Shout?

The previous advisor asked me to help out because I had experience as a newspaper reporter and photographer early in my professional career, and later on as a magazine editor. I like throwing out ideas and seeing how others run with them and help refine those approaches along the way.

Fun Fact

Although I am primarily left-handed, I am functionally ambidextrous in a lot of areas. When I worked for the newspaper, I developed the skill of sitting in meetings, simultaneously taking notes with my left hand, while taking pictures with my right. The funny part is I wasn't fully aware I was doing it.


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Neil Sharma
Neil Sharma
Nov 02, 2024

Congratulations to the new and amazing Titan Shout team! Good luck all!


Alyssa Parker
Alyssa Parker
Nov 01, 2024

So grateful to be apart of such an amazing team. Farrah did an amazing job with the writing and Jeanette’s art is so adorably beautiful!!


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