By Salem Reaves
Director of Art Design
Because most of GTCC’s operations take place on the Jamestown campus, it’s easy to forget that you can take classes and participate in clubs on other campuses. The High Point campus, which is only a fifteen-minute drive from Jamestown, is home to specialized departments and facilities that are worth exploring for any student.
The High Point campus is at 901 S. Main Street in downtown High Point. Established in 1981 with only two buildings, the campus now has eight buildings spanning over sixteen acres. Several departments including Simulation and Game Design, Theatre, Music Performance, Entertainment Technology, Pharmacy Technology, Human Services Technology, Upholstery, and Re-upholstery are based on the High Point campus. Adult Basic Education, continuing education, and the Early Middle College at High Point can also be found there. The amphitheater, Center for Creative and Performing Arts “black box” theatre, and entertainment technology studios have the potential to enhance the educational experiences of students on this campus, while also serving as a venue for campus events. However, the amphitheater sees little use throughout the year and the “black box” has been unusable for the better part of this semester due to mold in the building and a slow remediation process.
The campus library is on the second floor of the H4 building. It is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and equipped with 34 computers, each outfitted with Microsoft Office programs. Printers, copiers, and charging stations are also available in the library. In addition to general texts, this library houses books relating to the departments on campus such as biographies of people in the entertainment industry. Librarian Michael Rose says that “students are welcome to come any time to read and study” in what he calls “the most comfortable chairs in any of the campus libraries.”
There are plenty of places to study, hang out, or eat on campus. One student said that their favorite spot is at the picnic tables on the quad between H2 and H3, saying that area is “just really calm.” Other students play games and wait in-between classes in the common area on the second floor of H5 where groups can gather around tables and use the vending machines. There is also a student lounge in H1 with desks, couches, and vending machines, although a few of the machines have been out of order recently. My favorite place to read or wait for class is in the amphitheater outside of H4. If you are looking for a meal within walking distance of campus, there are a number of taquerias across Main Street, as well as a few food trucks typically positioned at gas stations in the area.
When asked what students should know about this campus, a few people mentioned the fact that there is a lot less parking in High Point than there is on the Jamestown campus. There are three main parking lots, all of which are accessible from South Hamilton Street. At peak class times, students may have to walk a moderate distance from the far end of the parking lots, so planning to be a few minutes early to class might be necessary. Students can get a parking permit in H1 if they do not have one already. The cost of a permit is covered in the CAPS fee (paid with tuition) and permits are valid across all GTCC campuses.
As Librarian Michael Rose put it, “every campus has its quirks.” Exploring the other GTCC campuses can expose you to amenities, activities, and even programs you may not have otherwise been aware of.
